January 7, 2015
Dear Family and Friends:
As I write to you, the Orthodox Christians are celebrating a
White Christmas. There was an alert
about the snow storm, so people are prepared with food provisions and
alternative lighting and heating in case of power failure. But our thoughts are with those people who can never be prepared
because they have no homes in the first place.
How much can a refugee in a tent be prepared should the storm blow the
tent away?
It is at times like these that one cannot help but be very
grateful for the many blessings, but at
the same time one cannot help but be
very angry at the powers who are allowing so much wars and destruction to take
place and create communities of refugees and homeless people. Where is justice, where is the United
Nations? Where is the international
law? It seems we are living under the
law of the Jungle where Might is Right.
At such times even our faith is
shattered when we are unable to comprehend why so much suffering is taking place under
different pretexts when the reality is the greed for power, and money. It is understandable when natural disasters
hit an area, but it is unacceptable to bring about so much suffering because of
human-made disasters. Even when people
want to free themselves from such powers of domination, they are punished further and are left
helpless. Ironic that the world wonders why those people become so desperate. We
pray that the New Year will see us
through a new era of humanity where justice and peace will prevail. Samia