Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Irony of Concern

 Mr. Biden expressed his concern regarding the latest massacre at Al -Taabe’en School in Gaza where  hundreds of people mostly women and children were killed when Israel bombed the  school sheltering Gazans taking refuge after fleeing their homes to safer places as Israel continues its genocide in the Gaza Strip. 

How ironic indeed that he should express his concern when all he has been doing since this war on Gaza started, was to support Israel morally, financially and with endless armament to finish the job that his friend Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to do from day one after October 7.  “Welcome to Hell” is the latest report by B’tselem, the Israeli Human Rights organization describing the conditions of the prisoners and their being sexually abused.  I could not finish the report and I could not even watch the news that evening after I read all about it.  Maybe it will be a good reading for you Mr. Biden before you go to sleep, especially if you are really concerned.

I know the concern of Mr. Biden is meaningless, more so now that he is a lame duck.   But he has done more than enough damage during his years in office, and so did previous presidents, and probably so would future presidents do.  That is  why it is not  surprising that Israel is allowed to  get away with this genocide with the blessing and support of the USA and its allies, who continue to shield Israel no matter what it does.  Dare we hope that the successor of Mr. Biden will have guts to say enough is enough? 

At one time the European Union expressed its concern as well, when settlers demolished some schools that the European Union itself has actually built in a remote area for  Beduins.    

Expressing concern without action like  (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions,)   is meaningless, especially in view of the  extent of that genocide which has been publicized  by local and international media, over and above the ICJ hearings.     

Ironically Israel has shut down Al-Jazeera English channel, and now it is targeting Al-Mayadeen to block the dissemination of  news.     For a sophisticated country in technology,  Israel should realize that the news will get out eventually,  challenging all their technology.  Unlike the  massacres and ethnic cleansing of 1948,  that were  discovered at a later stage,  the ethnic cleansing of  Gaza since October 7 has been covered widely and there are already records of the  numbers who have been killed or buried under the rubble including  press personnel who have been targeted as well as medical teams, who have lost their lives in the process of salvaging the victims of this genocide, most of whom have been women,  children and elderly people. 

Will you continue to be concerned Mr. Biden? Or  will you put an end to your  blind support to Israel?  We know where you stand Mr. Biden,  but if you are a true friend of Israel as you claim to be you won’t encourage it to  walk the path that will take it and the whole region down to hell when doom’s day comes.