Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Emperor

Mr. Trump,  who on earth appointed you the Emperor of the universe as to think you can undo treaties, cancel UN resolutions, and impose sanctions on countries all over the world.

Ever since you took office you have been handling matters according to your whims and wishes antagonizing people and regimes, whereby the whole world seems to be in a big mess, and on the verge of a war, here and there.  

Because you have the power and money, you think you can get away with all this.  The day will come when all your actions will boomerang, and your own people might be the first to raise their voice against your actions.  Let alone all other countries whose destiny you have been meddling with.  

As  a Palestinian, I ask you what right do you have to cancel the UN resolution regarding the “right of  return of the Palestinians,” and the money allocated by the UN to UNRWA which was established as a temporary organization until the Palestinian refugees would be able to go back to their homes.  You are morally and financially obligated to see to it that those refugees are granted their right.  And until that happens you are still obligated to fund UNRWA because it is the veto power of the US used along the years that  has been the reason  behind  the failure of the implementation of UN resolutions that would  redress the grave injustice inflicted upon the Palestinians in 1948 as well as in 1967.  

You are dealing with issues with the principle of MIGHT is RIGHT.  We are no more in a jungle Mr. Trump.  There are rules and regulations, and an international law that governs actions of governments.  If you want the law of the jungle to prevail, then wake up, because that law will not spare anybody,  and the emperor will eventually be exposed  "as naked as can be" (according to  Hans Christian Andersen)

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