Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just a comment

The following item came through the news from Chanel 4 in London:
Tensions in the world's other great trouble spot, Ukraine, have flared up rather alarmingly. Ukranian President Poroshenko says that his forces destroyed a large part of a Russian military convoy, which, he claims, entered Ukrainian territory overnight. If that's true, it marks a major escalation in the conflict.
Meanwhile, Russia's ambassador to the UK has been called into the Foreign Office after reports that Russian forces had entered Ukraine. Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, has said he's "very alarmed" by the incursion, and Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has condemned a "continuous flow of weapons and fighters from Russia into eastern Ukraine".

With the latest Israeli   invasion on a besieged Gaza,  and the  great numbers of demonstrators  expressing their solidarity with the people of Gaza, was the  ambassador of Israel to the UK called into the Foreign Office?  Was the Foreign Office alarmed?   God forbid.  Israel has the right to defend itself !!!  What hypocricy and double standards.  For that matter even the two Arab countries who have a peace agreement with Israel,  mainly Jordan and Egypt failed to do that as well.  What a shame when we continue to hear the Arab rhetoric about their commitment to the  Palestinian cause and Jerusalem is in their heart.  We are told that they need to maintain that relationship to be able to help in being mediators.   This is nonsense.  We have seen where all this has led us to since the negotiations started after Oslo. They simply give Israel a stepping stone into the Arab Economic world.   None of them, and not even the UN was able to halt the brutality of the occupation and the  settlement  policy of Israel.   They have not even been able to halt the daily incursions into  Al-Aqsa  mosque in Jerusalem, and in no time its status will change,  that is if it will still be there, while the Arab and Muslim world is watching.  Thanks to the five  Latin American Countries, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and El-Salvador  who had the courage to raise their voice against the Gaza Genocide by calling their ambassadors from Tel Aviv.  

1 comment:

  1. among the friends of the Palestinain people who speak Spanish, let's not forget the Cuban people, themselves sufferers for many decades from the discriminatory, vindictive policies of the US and its numerous lapdogs... I don't hink Israel has an ambassador in Havana !! Even in countries like Poland, a prime US servant in "New Europe", many no doubt agree with the gent I saw in London last Saturday with his Polish flag, at the Palestinain rally.Poland has a long history of occupation, massacres and humiliation ( one could add Ireland, naturally) so Poles may well understand what Israel is doing more easily than others. Sadly, of course, history is regularly re-written in the service of the powerful, and the dominant accounts still traduce the experiemnce of Palestinians and Israelis.As we approach 17 September, I suggest we remember Bernadotte and his aide Colonal Serot, murered in 1948.
